Date of Award

Fall 1989

Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Ivanoff, John

Second Advisor

Thorm, Carl G.


The present study examined the perceptions and opinions of parents and teachers of elementary and middle school children as to the roles of the school psychologist. Research has shown that very often the school psychologist's work is substantially affected by the ways in which other school personnel, as well as parents, perceive his role. Many times, the actual roles that a school psychologist performs are, in part, determined by these persons. In short, it has been suggested that such perceptions determine the organization of a psychological service, the training and qualifications of it's personnel, the type of problems referred, to whom the referral is made, and the diagnostic and treatment procedures conducted. Therefore, it is important for the school psychologist to know just what parents and teachers think concerning the various roles which he performs; which are seen as taking the most of his time, which are perceived as being most important to the functioning of the school system, and where improvements need to be made. This study looked at and compared the perceptions of parents and teachers of children who were in one of five grade levels; kindergarten, second, fourth, sixth, or eighth. Also, comparisons were made between those who said they were familiar with the school psychologist at their, or their child's school and those who said that they were not familiar with him or her. Finally, the findings of parents and teachers overall were compared to see whether any differences existed between them.
