Date of Award
Summer 1985
Degree Type
Master's Essay - Restricted
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Mechanical Engineering
Industrial safety has become a paramount concern in the high technological society of today. Producing products faster, larger, and by ever increasing sophistication has lead to a need to make employees more aware of the hazards associated with their jobs. To these ends safety programs have evolved with the intent of instilling an attitude of safety awareness in all employees. This report represents one such program. In it one will find guidance for composing an effective part-time safety program. The safety continuity folder currently being used at Weyerhaeuser Company in Manitowoc, Wisconsin is included in the Appendix. A compilation of existing Weyerhaeuser, Occupational Safety and Health Administration material, and the author's original work, the folder forms a concise, clearly directed plan to promote a safety conscious work environment. To date the program is very successful in attenuating accidents and ensuring continuity.
Recommended Citation
Frozena, John, "Designing An Effective Part-Time Safety Program" (1985). Master's Essays (1922 - ). 727.