Year by Year with the Early Jesuits (1537-1556): Selections from the Chronicon of Juan de Polanco, S. J

Juan-Alphonso de Polanco
John Donnelly, Marquette University

Juan-Alphonso de Polanco and John Patrick Donnelly. Year by Year with the Early Jesuits (1537-1556): Selections from the Chronicon of Juan de Polanco, S. J.. St. Louis: Institute of Jesuit Sources, 2004. Permalink:


Polanco's "Chronicon" is arguably one of the most important sources for the history of the Jesuits during their beginnings and early years. Heretofore largely unavailable to the general public (because of its length, of the fact that it was written in Latin, and because it was printed only in the relatively rare "Monumenta Historica Societatis Iesu" series of books), this important work is now available, at least in part, in Fr. Donnelly's "user-friendly" translation. Polanco was secretary of the Society under three successive Fathers General (Ignatius, Lainez, and Borgia); from his experience in that post, as also from his personal acquaintance with all of the early Jesuits (except Xavier) comes this uniquely authoritative account of life in the early Society.