The History Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's history faculty.
Submissions from 1995
Annotations on the First Epistle to the Corinthians. (Vol. II, Reformation Texts with Translation (1350-1650)), John Donnelly and Philipp Melanchthon
Submissions from 1994
Jesuit Controversialists and the Defense of Tridentine Tradition, John Donnelly
Saint Ignatius Loyola and Jesuit History, John Donnelly
Saint Joan of Arc, John Donnelly
Some Jesuit Counter-Reformation Strategies in East Central Europe, 1550-1585, John Donnelly
Some Noteworthy Jesuits, John Donnelly
The Congregation of the Oratory, John Donnelly
Submissions from 1993
Translation of Girolamo Savonarola's "May I Love You, Lord," A Modern Psalm, John Donnelly
Submissions from 1992
Golf as a Spiritual Exercise, John Donnelly
Utopia, Thomas More, John Donnelly, and John F X Sheehan
Submissions from 1991
Art and the Early Jesuits: The Historical Context, John Donnelly
A Bibliography of the Works of Peter Martyr Vermigli (Sixteenth Century Essays & Studies, Vol. 13), John Donnelly, Robert M. Kingdon, and Marvin W. Anderson
Submissions from 1990
Padua, Louvain, and Paris: Three Case Studies of University-Jesuit Confrontation (1591-1596), John Donnelly
Religious Orders, Catholic Men's; Society of Jesus; Trappists [Encyclopedia Entries], John Donnelly
Submissions from 1989
A Term Paper Project in Large Survey Courses, John Donnelly
Robert Bellarmine: Spiritual Writings, John Donnelly S.J. and Roland Teske S.J.
Submissions from 1988
Antonio Possevino's Plan for World Evangelization, John Donnelly
Antonio Possevino's Tribute to Edmund Campion, John Donnelly
Religious Orders of Men; Especially the Jesuits, John Donnelly
Submissions from 1987
Antonio Possevino as Papalist Critic of French Political Writers, John Donnelly
Submissions from 1986
Antonio Possevino and Jesuits of Jewish Ancestry, John Donnelly
Immortality and Method in Ursinus' Theological Ambiance, John Donnelly
To Close a Giant Eye: The Pantheon, 1591, John Donnelly
Submissions from 1984
For the Greater Glory of God: St. Ignatius Loyola, John Donnelly S.J.
Ignatius of Loyola; Limbo; Society of Jesus, The [Encyclopedia Entries], John Donnelly
Jesuits [encyclopedia entry], John Donnelly
Submissions from 1982
Antonio Possevino, S.J. as a Counter-Reformation Critic of the Arts, John Donnelly
The Jesuit College at Padua: Growth, Suppression, Attempts at Restoration, John Donnelly
Submissions from 1981
Peter Canisius, John Donnelly
Submissions from 1980
Alonso Rodriguez's Ejercicio: A Neglected Classic, John Donnelly
Report on the Spring Meeting of the American Catholic Historical Association at Marquette University, April 11-12, 1980, John Donnelly
Short Title Bibliography of the Works of Peter Martyr Vermigli, John Donnelly
The Social and Ethical Thought of Peter Martyr Vermigli, John Donnelly
Submissions from 1978
Three Disputed Vermigli Tracts, John Donnelly
Submissions from 1977
Gasparo Contarini, John Donnelly
John XXIII, John Donnelly
Marriage from Renaissance to Reformation: Two Florentine Moralists, John Donnelly
Reform and Renewal, John Donnelly
The Jesuits, John Donnelly
The Moslem Enemy in Renaissance Epic: Ariosto, Tasso, and Camoens, John Donnelly
Submissions from 1976
Calvinism and Scholasticism in Vermigli's Doctrine of Man and Grace, John Donnelly
Calvinist Thomism, John Donnelly
Italian Influence on the Development of Calvinist Scholasticism, John Donnelly
Submissions from 1975
A Sixteenth Century Case of Publish or Perish/Parish, John Donnelly