The Linacre Quarterly | Journals | Marquette University

The Linacre Quarterly is the official journal of the Catholic Medical Association. Continuously published since 1934, The Linacre Quarterly is the oldest journal in existence dedicated to medical ethics. The Linacre Quarterly provides a forum in which faith and reason can be brought to bear on analyzing and resolving ethical issues in health care, with a particular focus on issues in clinical practice and research.

This is The Linacre Quarterly's archive, containing every issue from the journal's beginning until 2008 (Vol. 1-74) when publishing operations were taken over by Maney Publishing. No issues were published in 1946. Additionally, combined issues include: Vol. 13 No. 1 & 2, Vol. 15 No. 3 & 4, Vol. 16 No. 1 & 2. For these combined issues, only the first issue number is indicated.

Current Issue: Volume 74, Number 4 (2007)
