"A Cross-National Comparison of Consumers' Attitudes Toward Direct Mark" by Srinivas Durvasula, Syed H. Akhter et al.

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TRACE Discussion Paper, Tinbergen Institute


Existing research indicates that attitudes toward the three elements of direct marketing (the source, mode, and response channel) influence consumers' intentions to purchase directly marketed products. While research investigating attitudes and consumers' response has been conducted in the U.S., there has been no research to date which examines attitude structures and purchase intentions towards direct marketing in a multi-country setting, in spite of the standardized global efforts of direct marketeers. This study presents findings on attitude structures regarding direct marketing for three affluent open markets, the U.S., Singapore, and the Netherlands and empirically investigates the relationships between these consumers' attitudes toward the three elements of direct marketing and purchase intentions.


Published version. TRACE Discussion Paper, Tinbergen Institute (1996). Publisher link. © 1996 Tinbergen Institute. Used with permission.

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