"Afro-Cuban Theatre of the Diaspora: Critical Essays" by Armando González-Pérez
Afro-Cuban Theatre of the Diaspora: Critical Essays

Afro-Cuban Theatre of the Diaspora: Critical Essays



Afro-Cuban Theatre of the Diaspora: Critical Essays complements Black Presence: Cuban Theatre of the Diaspora, a critical anthology edited as well by Armando González-Pérez (Betania: Madrid, 1999). This thoughtfully crafted and insightful book on Afro-Cuban theater in exile as well as his critical anthology has an essential glossary of African and Afro-Cuban terms which facilitates the reading of the texts studies. With the exception of Leandro Soto, whose dramatic work is represented visually without a textual support, the authors studied in this new volume are: Matías Montes Huidobro, Pedro R. Monge Rafuls, José Corrales and Manuel Pereiras García, Raúl de Cárdenas, Héctor Santiago, Manuel Martín Jr. and Dolores Prida.



Publication Date



Ediciones La Gota de Agua




African Languages and Societies | Latin American Literature | Linguistic Anthropology | Social and Cultural Anthropology


Table of Contents

Tyranny, sexuality and Afro-Cuban guile in Las hetairas habaneras (The Havana Hetaeras) by Corrales and Pereiras / Matías Montes Huidobro --

Afro-Cuban magical ritualism of sexuality in La navaja de Olofé (Olofé's Razor) by Matías Montes Huidobro / Armando González-Pérez --

Elements of Afro-Cuban culture in the theatre of José Triana / José A. Escarpanter --

Historicity and transculturation in Los hijos de Ochún (The children of Ochún) by Raúl de Cárdenas / Yara González Montes --

The discourse of otherness in Otra historia (Another history) by Pedro R. Monge Rafuls / Armando González Pérez --

The discourse of sexuality: the options of eros in Otra historia (Another history) by Pedro R. Monge Rafuls / Matías Montes Huidobro --

Two Patakis, and a problem of "identity" in La eterna noche de Juan Francisco Manzano/The night eternal of Juan Francisco Manzano by Héctor Santiago / Rolando D.H. Morelli --

U.S. Cuban theatre: music and the evolution of cultural identity / Elsa Bennett --

Rita and Bessie: final journey / Yara González Montes --

Staging religion and popular culture in Botánica (Botany) by Dolores Prida's / Jason Meyler --

Afro-Cubanism, theatricality and exile in Matías Montes Huidobro's play Tirando las cartas (Orishas' divination) / Armando González Pérez --

Afro-Cuban Theatre of the Diaspora: Critical Essays
