"Varieties of Narrative Analysis" by James A. Holstein and Jaber F. Gubrium
Varieties of Narrative Analysis

Varieties of Narrative Analysis



Narrative research has become increasingly popular in the social sciences. While no part of the process is easy, researchers often struggle to make sense of data that can seem chaotic and without a discernable pattern. This book shows how to analyze stories, storytelling, and stories in society, bringing together a variety of approaches to both texts and narrative practice under one cover.



Publication Date



SAGE Publications


Los Angeles




Table of Contents

Acknowledgments xi

About the Editors xiii

Introduction: Establishing a Balance 1

Reemergent Interest 2

Adjusting the Balance 3

Theoretical Sensibilities and Analytic Strategies 5

References 10

pt. I Analyzing Stories

1. Exploring Psychological Themes Through Life-Narrative Accounts / Dan P. McAdams 15

Narrative in the Context of Discovery 17

Narrative in the Context of Justification 20

Using Narratives to Test Extant Theories 25

Conclusion 29

References 30

2. Practicing Dialogical Narrative Analysis / Arthur W. Frank 33

Five Commitments 34

Doing Dialogical Narrative Analysis 37

Animating Interest 37

Varieties of Fieldwork 38

Collecting Stories 40

Deciding What Is a Story 41

Selecting Stories for Analysis: Practicing Phronesis 43

Opening Up Analysis 44

Building a Typology 46

Possible Endings 49

References 50

3. Narrative Analysis as an Embodied Engagement With the Lives of Others / Brett Smith 53

Analysis, Indwelling, and Embodiment 54

Becoming Aware of Fear 58

Between Us: Experiencing Embodied Chaos 61

By Andrew 61

By Brett 62

Questioning Empathy 64

Reflections 64

Corporeal Engagement 65

The Limits of Empathy 68

Acknowledgments 70

References 70

4. On Quantitative Narrative Analysis / Roberto Franzosi 75

The Rhetorician's Story 76

The Linguist's Story 78

The Journalist's Story 80

John King's Story 82

Quantitative Narrative Analysis (QNA) 83

Step 1 Narratives 84

Step 2 Story Grammar 84

Step 3 PC-ACE (Program for Computer-Assisted Coding of Events) 86

Step 4 Data Analysis 86

Epilogue 89

Acknowledgments 91

References 91

pt. II Analyzing Storytelling

5. Narrative Practice and Identity Navigation / Michael Bamberg 99

Who-are-you-Dave? 99

Six Premises of the Narrative Practice Perspective 101

Narrative Practice and Identity Navigation 103

Constancy and Change Across Time 103

Sameness versus Difference 104

Agency 106

Narrative Practices With No Story 106

Background Information 107

What Analyzing Narrative Practices Reveals 119

Conclusion 121

References 122

6. Exploring Narrative Interaction in Multiple Contexts / Amy Shuman 125

Approaches to Interactive Narrative 126

Tellability/Reportability 129

Ownership, Entitlement, and Footing 131

Uses of Genres, Performance Styles, and Reported Speech 135

Intertextuality and Dialogic Narration 139

Narrative and Social/Political Membership Categories 141

Conclusions: On Narrative Interaction, Narrative Circulation, and Trauma Narrative 142

References 145

7. Speaker Roles in Personal Narratives / Michele Koven 151

Speech Events and Speaker Roles 152

Singly Voiced Roles 154

Narrator Role 154

Interlocutor Role 156

Character Role 157

Double Voicing of Speaker Roles 158

Interlocutor-Narrator 159

Narrator-Character 160

Interlocutor-Character 160

Context of Narrative Telling 165

Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Story 169

Interlocutory Setup 170

Interlocutory Presentation of Habitual There-and-Then Events: Portuguese Gossip 171

Portuguese Elders' Reaction to and Condemnation of M's Public Display of Affection 171

M's Interlocutor-Character Condemnation of Portuguese Elders' Interference 172

M's Presentation of Her Parents' Divided Loyalties 172

M's Narration and Enactment of Her and Her Boyfriend's Exasperation 173

M's Description of Neighbors' Constraining Oversight 173

Summary of Qualitative Analysis of Speaker Roles 174

Applications Beyond the Single Narrative 175

References 176

8. Situational Context and Interaction in a Folklorist's Ethnographic Approach to Storytelling / Ray Cashman 181

The Americanist Tradition, the Ethnography of Communication, and Performance Studies 182

Fieldwork in the North of Ireland 185

An Exemplary Ceili 188

Interactional Patterns and Interpretation 194

Interaction, Reflexivity, and Invisible Elements of Context 197

References 200

pt. III Analyzing Stories in Society

9. Analyzing the Implicit in Stories / Julka Almquist 207

The Logic of Rhetoric 209

Steps to Rhetorical Analysis of Stories 211

Example: Orange County Great Park State of the Park Address 211

Story 1 213

Story 2 214

Story 3 215

What Did We Learn About the Great Park From This Analysis? 216

Advice About Doing Rhetorical Analysis 217

Narrative Network Analysis 219

Creating Narrative Networks 221

What Did We Learn About the Great Park From This Analysis? 224

What We Learned About Narrative Network Analysis 225

Conclusion 226

References 226

10. Analyzing Popular Beliefs About Storytelling / Francesca Polletta 229

Stories and Reasons in Public Deliberation 232

The Project 232

Analyzing Why People Tell Stories 237

Analyzing When People Do Not Use Stories 242

Analytic Lessons 245

References 248

11. The Empirical Analysis of Formula Stories / Donileen R. Loseke 251

Images of Stories 252

General Issues in the Empirical Analysis of Formula Stories 254

Specific Issues in Formula Stories as Data 255

Case Study: A Formula Story of the "Teenage Mother" 257

I. Establishing Social Context 257

II. Close Reading 258

III. Categorizing Explicit Descriptions of Story Characters 260

IV. Unpacking Symbolic and Emotion Codes 262

Examining the Contents of Formula Stories 264

References 265

12. Analyzing the Social Life of Personal Experience Stories / Tamar Katriel 273

Heritage Museums as Storytelling Arenas 276

Call-In Radio Programs as Storytelling Occasions 281

Storytelling in Soldiers' Testimonial Rhetoric 284

Concluding Remarks 287

References 290

Author Index 293

Subject Index 299

About the Contributors 307

Varieties of Narrative Analysis
