"Connecting Jesus to Social Justice: Classical Christology and Public T" by Thomas Hughson
Connecting Jesus to Social Justice: Classical Christology and Public Theology

Connecting Jesus to Social Justice: Classical Christology and Public Theology



Many Christians see the societal dimension of their faith as a matter of biblical and social ethics. Returning to classical Christology, Connecting Jesus to Social Justice explores messianic potential in the Council of Chalcedon on the divine identity of Christ.

Who Jesus is makes all the difference to Christian entrance into the public sphere on behalf of a just society. The Messiah’s divinity bears on social mission directed toward a just social order. Theological appropriation of Chalcedon overcomes a gap between the professing the Creed and interpreting social existence in light of a just social order. Connecting Jesus to Social Justice argues a doctrinally traditional, orthodox basis for Christian participation in the public sphere on behalf of social justice.

The book addresses a situation internal to churches in the U.S. from a Catholic perspective yet not without analogies in other churches and Christian movements. Applying traditional Christology to contemporary social mission solidifies an answer to adversarial queries on the appropriateness of a social agenda. Implications in the classical Christology also confirm churches and discipleship in commitment to social justice promoted through a subaltern counter-public and then by word and deed in the public sphere.



Publication Date



Rowman & Littlefield


Lanham MD


Religion | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


Table of Contents

Acknowledgments ix

Introduction xiii

1. Public Theology: Some Elements 1

2. An Illustrative Problem 47

3. Is It Really a Problem?: Benedict XVI and Social Justice 81

4. Christological Solution: Divine and Human Natures 121

5. Christological Solution: One Divine Person 159

6. Public Theology: Interior, Ecumenical, Interreligious 203

Epilogue: Jesus and Social Justice 229

Notes 233

Bibliography 281

Index 297

About the Author 313

Connecting Jesus to Social Justice: Classical Christology and Public Theology
