Feminist Catholic Theological Ethics: Conversations in the World Church

Feminist Catholic Theological Ethics: Conversations in the World Church



New vistas and voices are emerging in feminist thought that trace new directions and seek to rephrase the central questions of feminist discourse. Characteristic of this growth is the re-location of issues from the global North to include voices from the global South. This volume highlights the changing face and color of feminist theological discourse, recognizes innovative research in the field, and facilitates a global conversation among feminists engaged in theological ethics in the world church.



Publication Date



Orbis Books


Maryknoll, NY


Catholic Studies | Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | Religion | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion


Table of Contents

Introduction. Of feminism and conversations in church and society / Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator

Dreams from my mother, prayers to my Father: rethinking the trinity of God, woman, and church / Anne Arabome

Women, church, and ethics: deconstructing Marian images with Catholic women, Nzanga / Lilian Dube

Giving a voice to African women through education / Veronica Jamanyur Rop

The church's antiretroviral treatment in South Africa / Alison Munro

The ecclesia of women in Asia: liberating theology / Sharon A. Bong

Power-beauty feminism and postcolonial leadership / Agnes M. Brazal

Provoking the "resident evil": feminist and gender provocations to clericalism in the Philippine context / Aloysius Lopez Cartagenas

Resistance: a liberative key in feminist ethics / Kochurani Abraham

Dowry as a social-structural sin / Shaji George Kochuthara

Promoting women's dignity in the church and society in Hong Kong: inspirations from church leaders and women Christians as leaders / Mee-Yin Mary Yuen

Theology, women, and rights of the poor (a reading of the Latin-American itinerary) / Maria Clara Lucchetti Bingemer

Missing is the woman = Hace falta la mujer / Emilce Cuda

Of (befriending) dragons and escaping the underworld: two voices in Caribbean Catholic feminist ethics / Anna Perkins

Magisterium, Margaret Farley, and the ecclesial role of feminist moral theology: discerning the Ecclesia Discens today / Gerard Mannion

Saint Gertrude of Helfta and the forgiving of sins / Teresa Forcades i Vila

Cinematic visions of female leadership: between authority and doubt / Stefanie Knauss

The Gallant: a feminist proposal / James Keenan

The personal is political: toward a vision of justice in Latina theology / Nichole Flores

Feminist contributions to traditional moral knowledge: rhetorical (inter)play of clerics and women / Elizabeth Bucar

Getting reading for voice lessons: toward a Catholic feminist ethics of spirituality / Anne E. Patrick

A feminist ethical perspective on women/girls as oppressors: the cycle of oppressor-internalized oppression / Shawnee M. Daniels Sykes

Conclusion. Looking back, looking forward / Linda Hogan

Feminist Catholic Theological Ethics: Conversations in the World Church
