Doing Time: Prison Experience and Identity Among First-time Inmates
Doing Time describes life in a maximum security prison, as experienced by first-time prisoners. The study is based on a collaboration between an inmate-sociology graduate student and a sociologist. The analysis presented focuses on the phenomenological experience of the prison world and the consequent adaptations and transformations that it evokes. Doing Time is not an expose on prison conditions; it is an intimate view of a maximum security prison and its effects on new inmates.
Publication Date
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Stamford, CT
Prisoners-- United States, Imprisonment-- United States, Prison Physchology
Criminology and Criminal Justice | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Sociology
Table of Contents
Ch. I. Introduction. Prison as a Social World. The Phenomenology of Prison Experience. Plan of the Book
Ch. II. Midwestern State Prison. Facilities, Programs, and Services. Arrival, Processing and Orientation
Ch. III. Experiential Orientations to Prison. The Social Marginality of New Inmates. Prison Orientations: Images and Problems. Preprison Orientation. Prison Orientation. Postprison Orientation
Ch. IV. Preprison Orientation: From the Outside Looking In. Preparing for Prison. Image Construction. Identity Work. Anticipatory Survival Strategy. Arrival and Early Experiences. Arrival. The First Week. Imagery Modification. Survival Strategy. Interpreting Prison: The Interplay of Imagery and Strategy. Social Marginality. Identity Work. Outside Contacts
Ch. V. Prison Orientation: From Violence to Boredom. Revising the Prison Image Through Direct Experience. Sentence Milestones: Challenges and Opportunities. Evolution of Inmates' Survival Tactics