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Iranian Statistical Society
Source Publication
Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society: JIRSS
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In this paper a new method of introducing an additional parameter to a continuous distribution is proposed, which leads to a new class of distributions, called the weighted exponentiated family. A special sub-model is discussed. General expressions for some of the mathematical properties of this class such as the moments, quantile function, generating function and order statistics are derived; and certain characterizations are also discussed. To estimate the model parameters, the method of maximum likelihood is applied. A simulation study is carried out to assess the finite sample behavior of the maximum likelihood estimators. Finally, the usefulness of the proposed method via two applications to real data sets is illustrated.
Recommended Citation
Ahmad, Zubair; Hamedani, Gholamhossein G.; and Elgarhy, Mohammed, "The Weighted Exponentiated Family of Distributions: Properties, Applications and Characterizations" (2020). Mathematical and Statistical Science Faculty Research and Publications. 136.
Published version. Journal of the Iranian Statistical Society: JIRSS, Vol. 19, No. 1 (June 2020): 209-228. Stable URL. © 2020 Iranian Statistical Society.