"Montana Territory, St. Labre's Mission, 1885" by Joseph A. Stephan and Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions

Document Type


First Frame


Last Frame


Publication Date



Items were originally scanned for microfilm in April 1979 and had brown toner applied in the 1990s. Microfilm was scanned using a ScanPro digital microfilm reader using Cruise Control, and supplemental scanning was performed with an Epson Perfection 1640SU at 600 dpi. Pages that were illegible were edited to increase the contrast between the text and the background using Adobe Acrobat, Irfan View, and Paint.net. No content has been knowingly or deliberately omitted from these versions. Some original files were re-scanned when the microfilm version was illegible or unable to be fixed by technological means. Optical Character Recognition was applied to these documents, but handwritten texts were unable to be read using this technology. If you have a transcript of a handwritten text and wish to share with the project, we will be happy to add it. Please contact the project using the email on the sidebar.

Reel Number


Original File in Collection

Record Group 1-1, Box 15, Folder 9

Collection Name

Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Correspondence
