"Strategic Planning for Research Use in Nursing Practice" by Chris Van Mullem, Laura Burke et al.

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Publication Date



Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Source Publication

Journal of Nursing Administration

Source ISSN


Original Item ID

DOI: 10.1097/00005110-199912000-00008



To prepare for a culture change to integrate research utilization into daily nursing practice, the authors conducted a descriptive survey of all registered nurses (RNs) in an integrated healthcare delivery system. The purposes of this study were to assess RNs' knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) of nursing research activities, assess factors that support a research environment, and determine facilitating and challenging factors related to conducting regional nursing research.


A 33-item survey based on the Iowa Model for Evidence-Based Practice was developed, validated, and determined to be reliable by the authors. Site coordinators organized and managed the orientation, administration, and collection of data from the 2,736 registered nurses who worked in 6 hospitals, 65 affiliated clinics, and 3 business units. Narrative notes taken by study investigators were analyzed for themes to determine challenging and facilitating factors for conducting regional research.


Education and job title significantly predicted knowledge and ability to perform research activities but was not related to willingness to engage in research activities. Several environmental factors were associated with knowledge of, willingness to engage in, and ability to perform research utilization activities. Challenging and facilitating factors to conducting regional research were identified.


Our research environment is changing to value research as shown in the philosophy, conceptual framework, and bylaws for the professional nursing staff. Novice-to-expert research utilization expectations are included in the promotional model for nursing. All RN job descriptions and the annual performance tool were revised to include responsibilities related to research activities. The Iowa Model for Evidence-Based Practice was adopted as the method for creating practice validation and change. Train-the-trainer educational and experiential sessions are being designed for nurse leaders; all new RN employees complete a self-assessment tool of research utilization knowledge and the nursing division strategic goals incorporate research utilization expectations. The elements of this plan may be useful for nurse executives.

Healthcare systems are restructuring throughout the world and within the United States. These changes are occurring to better meet the evolving healthcare needs of the population through cost-effective approaches. Within the United States, emerging organized healthcare systems require research related to patient care outcomes and the health systems that can best address them.


Accepted version. Journal of Nursing Administration, Vol. 29, No. 12 (December 1999): 38-45. DOI. © 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Used with permission.

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