"Psychometric Evaluation of an Instrument to Measure Hispanic Mothers’ " by Dana Rodriguez, Robert V. Topp et al.

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Austin Publishing Group

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Austin Journal of Nursing & Health Care

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Aim: The aim of this project was to describe the psychometric properties of a recently developed instrument that measures Hispanic mother normative beliefs, intentions, past experience, and past behavior regarding the Discussion of Sex-Related Topics (DSRTs) with their adolescent daughters.

Background: The DSRTs between Hispanic mothers and their adolescent daughters is important because this interaction has been found to be a protective factor against the daughter’s risk for STDs and unintended pregnancy. Hispanic mother talk less with their daughters about sex-related topics (SRTs) than other ethnic groups. The Rodriguez Normative Belief Instrument (RNBI) has been established to measure normative beliefs, normative beliefs, past behavior, and past experience regarding Hispanic mothers’ DSRTs with their adolescent daughters.

Method: The 44-item RNBI was developed based on the Theory of Planned Behavior and the Parent-Based Expansion Theory of Planned Behavior. A convenience sample of 119 Hispanic mothers of adolescent females grades 6 through 8 from two Midwestern Catholic Middle Schools was enrolled completed the instrument. Paper and pen instruments were administered in the language of the participant’s choice, English or Spanish.

Results: The entire RNBI and each of the four subscales demonstrated acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = .70). The overall reliability of the RNBI was .82 with the normative beliefs subscale of .85, intentions .88, past behavior .89, and past experience .88. Confirmatory factor analysis validated the four subscales.

Conclusion: Psychometric analyses indicated that the RNBI demonstrates acceptable validity and reliability for this sample.


Published version. Austin Journal of Nursing & Health Care, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2014). Permalink. © 2014 Austin Publishing Group. Used with permission.

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