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The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of electrical stimulation (ES) on the closure of full-thickness excisional wounds in mice with type-1 experimental diabetes mellitus (DM). Alloxon monohydrate (100mg/kg) was used to induce experimental DM in mole CD-1 mice (n = 88). Full-thickness skin excisions (1cm2) in diabetic (urine glucose > 0) and non-diabetic (urine glucose = 0) mice were administered 1, 3, or 5 treatments of ES (200μs, 200 Hz) for 15 minutes, at 0 (sham), 5, 10, or 12.5 volts. Alloxon injection resulted in a positive urine glucose test in 48 mice yielding an induction rate for DM of 54.5 percent. All groups exhibited decreases in wound length, perimeter, and surface area between days 2 and 16 following the creation of wounds. Non-diabetic wounds treated with ES hod the greatest percentage (60%) of closure. Diabetic wounds treated with ES hod a greater percentage of clo­sure (36%) compared with sham-treated diabetic animals (12.5%). Treatment of wounds with the highest voltage of ES (12.5V) produced significant (P < 0.01) decreases in the surface area, and significant (P < 0.01) changes in the shapes of wounds in both diabetic and non-diabetic animals compared with sham-treated animals. These results support the clinical use of this adjunctive therapy to accelerate the closure of ulcers due to OM.


Published version. Wounds, Vol. 12, No. 6 (2000): 159-169. Publisher link.

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