"A Time for Me: A Virtual Program to Engage African American Caregivers" by Abiola O. Keller, Nia C. Norris et al.

A Time for Me: A Virtual Program to Engage African American Caregivers

Document Type


Publication Date



Taylor & Francis (Routledge)

Source Publication

Journal of Women & Aging

Source ISSN


Original Item ID

DOI: 10.1080/08952841.2022.2064175


To address the self-care needs of African American family caregivers, a community-engaged approach was used to develop and implement a half-day virtual self-care program. This study evaluates experiences of program attendees. All attendees were emailed an electronic survey containing Likert-type and open-ended questions. Responses were examined for patterns and key content-related categories using inductive content analysis. Eleven attendees responded to the survey. All 11 strongly agreed (64%) or agreed (36%) that the event met their expectations and/or needs. In addition to providing opportunity to take time to engage in self-care, the event created a virtual space for women to focus on themselves. Women spoke about three distinct ways the event met their needs: (1) learning and trying new things, (2) access to resources, and (3) having a shared experience. These findings suggest that virtual programs may be used as an additional resource to support the health of African American women caregivers.


Journal of Women & Aging, Vol. 35, No. 4 (2023): 369-382. DOI.
