Poverty Research Initiative | Interdisciplinary Studies | Marquette University


Submissions from 2023

BMI and gut microbiome: A cluster randomized controlled pilot feasibility study., Marilyn Frenn, N Salzman, V Lam, M Holtz, and Mauricio Garnier-Villarreal

A Prophet to the Peoples: Paul Farmer’s Witness and Theological Ethics, Alexandre Martins

Neighborhood Ecological Models of Alcohol Outlet Density and Male–on–Female Domestic Violence: Accounting for Adjacent Place and Neighborhood Characteristics, Aleksandra Snowden and T.H. Johnson

Associations of reproductive coercion and contraceptive method use among women experiencing intimate partner violence: the moderating role of PTSD and Depression, Jessica Zemlak and Kierstyn Alexander

Contraceptive decision-making through the lens of social determinants of health among female sex workers: A qualitative descriptive study, Jessica Zemlak and Kierstyn Alexander

Submissions from 2022

Childhood obesity within the lens of racism, Marilyn Frenn, E Hodges, K Small, J.A. Snethen, S.Y. Irving, B Gance-Cleveland, and C.T. Greenberg

Repensar a Bioética: Os Desafios da Saúde Global em Tempos de Covid-19, Alexandre Martins

The End of Life in a Global Health Perspective, Alexandre Martins


Theological Bioethics from the Margins: Epistemology and Latin American Liberation Theology in Bioethics, Alexandre Martins


How (Not) to Build a School in Haiti, Dinesh Sabu

Reconciling data-driven crime analysis with human-centered algorithms, Aleksandra Snowden, K Clancy, J Chudzik, and S. Guha

Monkeypox prevention and protecting sex workers: A Call to Action, Jessica Zemlak

Submissions from 2021

Ethics and Equity in Global Health: The Preferential Option for the Poor, Alexandre Martins

Submissions from 2020

The Cry of the Poor: Liberation Ethics and Justice in Health Care, Alexandre Martins

Contraceptive method use by female sex workers in North America: a systematic review of the literature, Jessica Zemlak

Submissions from 2019

Exploring violence: The role of neighborhood characteristics, alcohol outlets, and other micro-places, Aleksandra Snowden

Submissions from 2018

Alcohol availability and violence: A closer look at space and time, Aleksandra Snowden

Submissions from 2016


Neighborhood characteristics contribute to urban alcohol availability: Accounting for race/ethnicity and social disorganization, Aleksandra Snowden

Submissions from 2015

Alcohol outlets, social disorganization, and robberies: Accounting for neighborhood characteristics and alcohol outlet types, Aleksandra Snowden and Tina Freiburger