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Can Parents Create Alcoholics?

Scott Lang
Paul Boellner

Background: Research has shown a definitive genetic component to alcoholism, with children of alcoholic parents being much more likely to become alcoholics themselves when compared to children of non-alcoholics. Just because alcoholism runs in an individual's family does not guarantee that said individual will become an alcoholic. This paper tries to discern if the way a parent raises their child can have an effect on the likelihood of the child being an alcoholic later in life.

Results: A review of the literature suggests that there may be a correlation between a how a child is raised and the likelihood of the child becoming an alcoholic. Research shows authoritative parents to raise children who are better able to self-regulate and have higher self-esteem, both qualities that deter alcoholic tendencies. Research also shows that authoritative and neglectful parents raise children who have higher incidences of depression and low self-esteem, both potential risk factors for alcoholism.

Conclusion: Reviewing the literature provides a theoretical framework for a study to be done to try and more fully and completely explore the relationship between parenting styles and alcoholism.

Child Behavior Resulting from Single Mother's Usage of Social Technology

Jessica L. Scheunemann, Marquette University
Alicia Bunnell, Marquette University

We will present what we have found in a literature review of related topics and our research design for this study. It is hoped we can get feedback to further our research ideas in this area and for us to compile a final paper to be submitted at the end of the semester.

We will then discuss practicalities of our design thus far and implications for practicing counselors.

Effects of Mental Illness Characteristics on Stigmatizing Attitudes

Mariclare Kanaley, Marquette University
Jena J. Gomez, Marquette University
Erica N. Johnson, Marquette University
Andrew W. Newsom, Marquette University

Background: In this study, we build on previous work by evaluating whether stigmatizing attitudes towards mental illness are affected by illness characteristics. Based on modifications to a survey that was developed by Corrigan (2003), we examined undergraduate participants’ responses to a character, described in a brief vignette. Method: “Joe” was described as having problems associated with either schizophrenia or depression. We examined whether indications of dangerousness towards self or others (dangerous versus not) and controllability via medications (controllable versus not) influenced perceptions in a 2 x 2 x 2 (illness type vs. dangerousness vs. controllability) ANOVA design. After reading one of eight possible vignettes, participants responded to a list of 54 items (either statements, such as “Joe should be forced to seek counseling,” or questions, such as “How much sympathy would you feel for Joe?”). Responses ranged from 1 (indicating less stigma) to 6. Results: Items were categorized into nine factors (responsibility, pity, anger, dangerousness, fear, willingness to help, coercion, segregation, and avoidance). Respondents were 304 university students (78% female). With regard to main effects analyses, we predicted that stigmatizing reactions of anger, fear and avoidance would be more strongly associated with schizophrenia than depression, and that controllability indications would result in both greater stigma and increased acceptance of coercion into treatment. We also predicted interactions between dangerousness and controllability, such that when both were present respondents would be more stigmatizing, less willing to help, and more willing to coerce and segregate. Discussion: Implications for anti-stigma programming will be discussed. Keywords: stigma, mental health, dangerousness, controllability

Geriatricians' referrals to and use of neuropsychological services: A consensual qualitative research study.

Jordan Charboneau, Marquette University
Nichelle Rothong, Marquette University

The present study represents the first qualitative investigation of the referral process between geriatricians and neuropsychologists. While quantitative studies have indicated that physicians are generally satisfied with neuropsychological evaluation, the overall referral process remains a mystery. As the US population ages, it is more necessary now then ever that professionals, especially those with complementary roles such as geriatricians and neuropsychologists, maintain clear and open communication. The present study seeks to investigate the referral process between geriatricians and neuropsychologists, using consensual qualitative research (CQR) methods, in an effort to inform best practices and ultimately, produce the most efficacious patient care possible.

RESEARCH EXCHANGE. Reactive Attachment Disorder: Developing a Developmental Perspective

Johnathan M. Sumpter

Reactive Attachment Disorder is a relatively young disorder. Researchers are just beginning to hash out the implications of this disorder on current children and future generations. However, there is much needed from criteria setting and researching leadership to mediate the process of gaining ground in assessing and treating this disorder. This meta-­‐analysis will provide an overview that will point out the diagnostic ambiguities, theoretical conflicts, and disjointed research of the previous decade’s work on RAD.