Date of Award
Spring 1988
Document Type
Thesis - Restricted
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
First Advisor
Zaffrann, Ronald
Second Advisor
Ivanoff, John
Third Advisor
Rohr, John
Eighteen demographic variables were selected as potential predictors of dropping out of treatment for addiction. First time admissions to this program made up two sample groups, completers (N=50) and dropouts (N=20). Analysis of variance and Chi-square analysis were used to identify single variables that were significantly different between groups. Four variables were found to discriminate between groups. Dropouts were more likely to; have started using alcohol and drugs later, have been treated for addiction previously, have abnormal liver functioning and have a greater variance of length of stay in hospital than the completers. A discriminant function analysis was performed on the data in an attempt to identify a set of variables that could predict individuaI potential for dropping out shortly after admission. Grouping the most significant variables with arrests, psychiatric diagnoses, frequency of use and age, correctly classified group membership 82.86% of the time. Future studies need standardized def in i t ions of demographic, variables, treatment methods, populations and measures. The treatment providers ability to work with individuals who have a wide variety of demographic characteristics may effect the rate of dropout more than other factors. If dropout rates are going to change, the treatment providers wiII have to risk change, and exercise creativity and vision.
Recommended Citation
Skowlund, Stephen W., "Demographic Characteristics of Dropouts from Inpatient Treatment for Alcohol and Drug Addiction" (1988). Master's Theses (1922-2009) Access restricted to Marquette Campus. 1254.