Date of Award

Summer 1994

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Crowley, John H.

Second Advisor

Ksobiech, Kenneth

Third Advisor

Schrank, Carl


Using the theory of reasoned action as a guide, 172 inner-city Milwaukee teenagers were sampled (via questionnaire) as to their attitudes and normative influences regarding their decision to use or not use condoms. Not substantiating the theory, multiple regression analyses found that attitudes and subjective norms regarding condom use were not enough to significantly predict intention to use condoms. The theory of reasoned action was not completely supported by the current study There is evidence that the subjective norm component is conceptually valid, yet methodologically inadequate. Evidence also was acquired that perhaps for intimate behaviors of this sort the theory of planned behavior, an extension of the theory of reasoned action that includes a perceived behavioral control element, would be more suited as a foundation for a study of this type. Implications for advertising research methods and for the development of AIDS public service announcements promoting the use of condoms to this audience are discussed.



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