Date of Award

Fall 1969

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Haworth, Daniel

Second Advisor

Kittsley, Scott

Third Advisor

Schrader, David


From the very beginning of chemistry, the search for a method of separating chemical compounds has been significant. The process of separation has a great effect on the progress in various fields in chemistry. In fact, even in terminology, chemistry and the process of separation are closely related- -an old Dutch word for chemistry "Scheikunde" literally means the art of separation (18). Finding quick and dependable qualitative identification of certain substances is a major problem in separation. Many techniques have been developed to solve this problem. Of these, chromatography is probably the most efficient one. This is the reason why chromatography is now a very popular technique in chemistry, biochemistry, biology, and pharmacognosy. This thesis will concentrate on thin-layer chromatography.



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