"Co-Existence Effects of Square Weil and Square Barrier Potentials" by Chao-Li R. Chen

Date of Award

Summer 1982

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Tani, Smio

Second Advisor

Mendelson, Kenneth S.

Third Advisor

Matthys, Donald


This thesis is concerned with an elementary problem of quantum mechanics. We discuss the change in the behavior of the wave function when the potential is changed. The MAT ( maximum -amplitude-trajectory) method is used to present the results in a visually appealing form. We compare the results for three different potentials: (1) a simple square barrier, (2) a square barrier with free space inside, and (3) a square barrier wit h a square well inside. By the comparison of these three results, we are able to understand the effects of co-existence of square barrier and square well. The results will be presented in the following order: (1)Introduction, (2) The Significance of MAT, (3)The Maximum-Amplitude-Trajectory for Simple Square Barrier, (4)The Maximum-Amplitude-Trajectory for Square Barrier with Free space inside, (5)The Maximum-Amplitude-Trajectory for Co-existing Square Well and Square Barrier, (6)Discussion, and (7)Conclusion.



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