"An Investigation of the Effect of Growth Hormone on the Carbohydrate M" by Anastacia C. Baltazar

Date of Award

Spring 1964

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Surak, John G.

Second Advisor

Taketa, Fumito

Third Advisor

Bournique, Raymond


Innumerable experiments have been done on the in vitro assay of growth hormone. The present method of assaying growth hormone is to measure its ability to promote the growth of the intact animal. A survey of the present literature points to the fact that the growth hormone exerts an effect on the amount of glucose liberated from the liver glycogen and the amount of glucose released increases with the quantity of growth hormone injected in the intact animals. Many in vivo experiments have been made to correlate the effect of growth hormone with the increase in glucose liberation. This paper presents a study of the spectrophotometric determination of the reaction of glycogen and iodine under various conditions. It is an attempt to apply the in vitro method of assaying growth hormone based on its ability to stimulate glycogenolysis in rat liver homogenate.



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