Date of Award

Fall 1952

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Berenice, M.

Second Advisor

Hassels, Anna

Third Advisor

Thomas, M.


Emphasis on psychiatric nursing has gained momentum within recent years so that at the present time it is regarded as an essential curriculum requirement. As such, psychiatric nursing becomes the focus of attention for many nurse educators. Its numerous problems are in need of careful evaluation for the fulfillment of its present-day role in the basic curriculum. Because of its comprehensive nature and somewhat intangible aspects, psychiatric nursing requires a definite interpretation to insure proper appreciation of its ramifications as an educational discipline. A lack of common understanding has resulted in confusing students as to the value of psychiatric nursing as a curriculum modality, as a choice of career, and as a patient need. This timely study of present and desired outcomes has been undertaken to discover the opinions of various groups directors of schools of nursing, instructors in psychiatric nursing, graduate nurses, and students who have had a course in psychiatric nursing and to arrive at some tentative conclusions and recommendations relative to these outcomes for the improvement of psychiatric nursing.



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