Date of Award

Spring 1982

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Guidelines for using tape recorded stories have been developed in order to serve a threefold purpose: (1) to outline for nurses the steps in assisting parents to record a favorite story on tape, (2) to assist nurses in the utilization of taped stories for hospitalized preschool- aged children, and (3) to develop nursing interventions in assisting children between the ages of three to five years to cope with hospitalization. Listening to a tape recording of a parent reading a favorite story can help the hospitalized preschool child maintain the parents' presence and support, though he is physically separated from the family. The essay includes a review of the literature and the guidelines for using tape recorded stories with preschool children. The review of the literature addresses the three-to-five-year-old child, including cognitive capabilities and fantasy, and the reaction to hospitalization.



Restricted Access Item

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