Date of Award

Fall 1977

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




The primary purpose of this exploratory study was to determine whether married women who underwent mastectomy surgery as treatment for cancer of the breast experienced a comparative decrease in their sexual relationships With their husbands postmastectomy. Seven surgeons practicing in a large metropolitan city agreed to cooperate with the researcher in the study. Married women at least three months postoperative were sought as the target population. A sample of forty-six women was obtained, forty-one of whom were married at the time of the surgery. Four dependent variables were used to determine whether a comparative decrease in the sexual relationships occurred: 1) a desire by the mastectomized woman to engage in sexual activities with her husband; 2) undressing in the presence of her husband; 3) participation in foreplay to sexual intercourse; and 4) sexual intercourse. Analysis of the data collected about these variables indicated that the target population did report a decrease in sexual activities after the mastectomy surgery. The secondary purpose of this study was to determine whether patients undergoing mastectomy received guidance from or sought any information in relation to sex from the professional nurse(s) under whose care they were assigned, or whether they would have, in fact. appreciated the fact that the nurse(s) introduced the subject to them. Analysis of the data collected indicated that the nurses neither asked nor answered many questions about sexuality and its relationship to a surgery in which a breast was removed. It was also apparent that there was some degree of ambiguity of feelings about nurses and the subject of sexuality. The answers given indicated that the attitude of the nurses was significant in determining whether or not the women would have wanted to discuss sexuality with nurses when hospitalized for mastectomy surgery. The infancy of nursing research on the topic of sexuality in relation to mastectomy surgery, and the findings of this research, indicate that this is a topic warranting continued research and consideration for practice by the nursing profession.



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