Date of Award

Summer 1978

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




The purpose of this descriptive pilot study was to ascertain the parents' perceptions of the quality of nursing care received by their hospitalized children. unstructured, confidential interviews were conducted with ten parents of ten hospitalized children at one institution in a large metropolitan area. Two questions were asked and the parents' responses were tape recorded to assure accurate data collection. The two questions were: 1) What situations related to the nursing care received by your child pleased you? and 2) What situations relating to the nursing care received by your child didn't please you? Content analysis was performed on the data to establish categories. Frequency of responses were then categorized. Demographic data were also collected. The categories that emerged from the data were: Emotional Support for Parent, Information to Parent, Emotional Support for Child, Physical care for Child, Parental Role Clarity, and Non-Nurse Behaviors. The responses were further categorized into Pleased and Not- Pleased. Of the categorizable responses, 25 of the 36 were positive. Eleven of those 25 were in the category of Emotional care for Child which indicates a predominant concern in that area.



Restricted Access Item

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