Date of Award

Fall 1977

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Five consumer representatives were involved in the decision making process of patient care by membership on committees within the Nursing Service organization. Over a period of one year the investigator used Participant-Observer technique, questionnaires, interviews, analysis of committee minutes and analysis of consumer ' logs to obtain the data to address the following questions: 1. Will the consumers' image of the role of the professional nurse in the hospital change? 2. Do consumers give realistic and significant input for meaningful change in patient care services? 3. Will the nurses serving on the committees seek consumer input and recommend action for consumer concerns during committee sessions? 4. What effect will consumers have on the interaction process of the committee? 5. What attitude changes will occur in both staff and consumer as a result of this experience and interchange? Consumer representatives were able to communicate to the nurses several concerns relating to health care. The nurses developed an awareness of the need for incorporating consumer input in planning and in providing patient care services. Also the image of the role of the Professional Nurse was appropriately understood and enhanced by the consumer representative.



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