Date of Award

Spring 1979

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Professional nursing care was administered to four clients and their spouses, all between the ages of 30 and 50 years. Each client had a diagnosis pertaining to his heart. According to the participant-observation method for obtaining behavioral data from human subjects, the nurse researcher analyzed the nurse-client interactions in response to expressions of sexuality of the clients and spouses. Nursing care was given according to a self-care framework and a concept of sexuality. The care was recorded in a clinical journal. Four nursing diagnoses pertaining to alterations in sexuality were derived. Twenty-seven nursing strategies divided into the categories of structure, content, and process were found to be effective for all clients and spouses with sexual concerns. Four strategies were noted which required individualization. A combination of these strategies was successful for three out of the four client and spouse couples.



Restricted Access Item

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