Date of Award

Spring 1979

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




This study investigated the question: do the results of cardiac catheterization that obviate the need for coronary artery bypass surgery, affect the perceived health status, reported mood state, and perceived controllability of coronary artery disease in the myocardial infarction patient. A questionnaire developed by the researcher was mailed to 69 subjects during the fourth month of convalescence following hospitalization for a myocardial infarction. Thirty-one respondents were studied and categorized according to a) patients who were not recommended for surgery following cardiac catheterization, b) patients who were recommended, and c) patients who did not experience cardiac catheterization. The statistical analyses revealed no significant differences between groups on the selected variables. Generalization of the results is limited with respect to race and geographic location.



Restricted Access Item

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