Date of Award

Summer 1977

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




This study was undertaken to determine if baccalaureate nursing students, like the diploma students of Bauen's 1970 study, expect the clinical instructor to be a role model. A role model was defined here, as it was in Bauen's study, as an effective nurse. The instrument used was the rank order scale, Clinical Instructor Characteristics Ranking Scale (CICBS), developed by Bauen for use in her study. Each subject was asked to rank six clinical instructor characteristics in order of their importance in helping him to become the kind, of nurse he wishes to become. There were three groups to rank, With a total of eighteen characteristics. Each characteristic was categorized as person role, nurse role, or teacher role. The subjects were not informed about the categorization. The subjects were the 203 students, enrolled in two baccalaureate programs in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who completed the instrument and returned it to the investigator. Of these students, 125 were nearing completion of their first course in nursing with a clinical practicum (Level I) and 78 were nearing completion of their last course in Medical-Surgical Nursing (Level II). As a whole the group ranked the nurse role as significantly more important than either the teacher or person roles in assisting them to become the nurses they aspire to become. This validated the conclusion set forth in Bauen's study that nursing students do indeed expect the clinical instructor to be a role model.



Restricted Access Item

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