Date of Award

Summer 1990

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Wake, Madeline

Second Advisor

Weis, Darlene

Third Advisor

Klassen, Loretta


The purpose of this study was to determine the status and utilization of patient classification systems in Wisconsin Emergency Rooms. The design chosen was a descriptive exploratory survey for the purpose of establishing a reference base. The sample was inclusive of 120 JCAHO accredited acute care hospitals in the state of Wisconsin. Less than half, 42.5% of Wisconsin emergency departments utilize a patient classification system. There were two research questions: what types of patient classification systems are presently in use and how are these patient classification systems utilized by emergency room nurse managers. The type of patient classification system was a prototype evaluation (81.1%), with increments of nursing time and medical diagnosis identified as the most frequent critical indicators of care. Emergency room nurse managers utilize patient classification systems for the purposes of: charging for nursing service, justifying staffing, and trending of data. Emergency room patient classification systems are in the infancy stage of development and require further research and refinement, in order to reach their potential for credibility and usefulness to nurse administrators and the speciality [sic] of emergency nursing.



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