Date of Award

Spring 1983

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Earlier studies have shown that an internal locus of control is more conducive to successful rehabilitation. This study attempted to alter locus of control expectancy to the internal direction through utilization of nursing interventions designed to give the patient a sense of personal power. Eight patients who were victims of cerebrovascular accident were studied. Four patients, who were members of a control group, received routine nursing care. Four patients, who were members of an experimental group, actively participated in their nursing care plan development. Rotter's Internal-External Locus of Control Questionnaire was the criterion instrument utilized in this study. The questionnaire was administered as subjects were admitted to the study and again after one month. This study found that patients who actively participated in their nursing care plan development, had more changes, in the internal direction, in their locus of control scores, than those patients who did not participate in their nursing care plan development. The difference in change is not significant. This study suggests the need for further studies.



Restricted Access Item

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