Date of Award

Spring 1991

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Biomedical Engineering

First Advisor

Linehan, John, H.

Second Advisor

Clough, Ann V.

Third Advisor

Myklebust, Joel


This thesis introduces x-ray angiography and digital image processing techniques to study small pulmonary arteries of the dog. The study concentrates on the distensibility of these arteries and the sites of pulmonary vasoconstriction induced by serotonin infusion or alveolar hypoxia. Chapter I begins with an introduction to the main objectives of the thesis. More important, this chapter contains a literature review of methods applied and results obtained by several investigators. Also, at the end of this chapter a brief introduction to the experimental method was given. Chapter II describes the animal preparation and experimental method in details. This chapter also describes the method of estimating the pressure of artery of interest and a step by step description of the procedures used for image processing, system calibration, and diameter measurements. Also, The important specifications of the NXR-200 x-ray system are presented in details. Chapter III describes in detail the experimental procedure and results obtained from each experiment. Chapter IV discusses the results obtained from each experimental condition and compares them with the literature results presented in chapter I.



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