Date of Award

Fall 1975

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

First Advisor

Crandall, Clifford

Second Advisor

Zanoni, Alphonse E.


Materials that float, absorb oil, reject water and promote easy handling provide one of the most favorable approaches to the problem of removing spilled oil from the surface of water. This investigation discusses the existent laboratory procedures of various researchers for sorbent comparison; it also unifies them for utilization as initial phases of more extensive tests. The variables of temperature and sorbent/oil mixing are observed in the extended tests and the laboratory method associated with them is proposed as a test standard. Data generated from the complete analysis are compared to show different sorbent performance under controlled conditions. Results of this study relate oil spill sorbent performance and the meaning such knowledge provides.



Restricted Access Item

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