Date of Award

Spring 1963

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Laskowski, Michael

Second Advisor

Roll, Paul M.

Third Advisor

Haymaker, C. R.


The first mention of lima bean as a source of trypsin inhibitor was made by Borchers, Ackerson and Kimmet (1). In 1949 Tauber et al. (35) crystallized a protein from lima bean possessing strong trypsin inhibiting activity. By a slight modification of Tauber's process Fraenkel-Conrat et al. (6) separated the active material from the inactive crystals. Jirgenson et al. (15) subdivided the active fraction from lima bean into six nonhomogeneous fractions, five of which possessed almost identical activity. Investigations in this laboratory during the past two years by Angel Carillo indicated the presence of at least three different substances with trypsin inhibiting activity in lima beans. This thesis was undertaken to obtain these distinct trypsin inhibitors in chromatographically pure and crystalline fora. Early in 1963, when this work was well advanced, Jones, Moore and Stein (16) isolated four distinct chromatographically pure substances with trypsin inhibiting activity from lima beans. Essentially very similar results were obtained in this thesis.



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