Date of Award

Fall 1972

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Sinha, Kumares C.

Second Advisor

Zanoni, Alphonse E.

Third Advisor

Bauer, Kurt


In the process of land use planning, the concept of a land use plan design model holds considerable potential for utilization in future planning activities. Such a model, through the satisfaction of a set of design constraints, can provide a future plan for an urban area or region. The establishment of these design constraints is clearly an integral part of this planning concept. Design constraints or standards, are based upon the goals and objectives of the planning area. After a definition of terms, the goals and objectives, as determined by a survey of representative planning agencies throughout the country were reviewed and a general set of these guiding principles was established. The formulation of design standards was then undertaken using various available sources of information. Plan constraints were finally established using these design standards and guiding principles.



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