Date of Award

Summer 1970

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical Engineering

First Advisor

Jansen, Richard J.

Second Advisor

Blumenthal, Robert N.


Various mathematical models which attempted to quantitatively predict the effect of a dispersed hard, non-coherent second phase on the room and elevated temperature yield strength and elevated temperature creep behavior of a metallic matrix were examined and evaluated in light of the available experimental data in the literature. The specific dispersion strengthening models which were selected on the basis of this evaluation were then analyzed in an attempt to define a set of guidelines in terms of the various parameters governing these models, which could be applied in designing hypothetical dispersion hardening systems. Finally, the appropriate models were then used in quantitatively predicting the room and elevated temperature strength and creep properties of two hypothetical dispersionstrengthened refractory alloys, and appropriate conclusions were drawn.



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