Date of Award

Summer 1988

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Biomedical Engineering

First Advisor

Battocletti, Joseph H.

Second Advisor

Halbach, Richard E.

Third Advisor

Ishii, Thomas K.


A theoretical analysis of magnetic stimulation was done to serve as a background for practical studies using magnetic stimulators which were built at the Biophysics Laboratory. The theoretical analysis provides a means to calculate the electric field induced in a region around a stimulating coil. The practical studies consisted of assembling different magnetic stimulation systems and using them to test for stimulation of the ulnar or medial nerves in the arms of normal healthy adult subjects. Test results from the different systems were compared and provide insight into how magnetic stimulation works. The results showed that the time varying magnetic field of the stimulating coil induces an electric field in the tissue which stimulates the nerves in a manner similar to electrical stimulation. Finally, the results from stimulation using pulses of different frequency were presented on a strength-duration curve.



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