Date of Award

Spring 1985

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Wu, Sherman H.

Second Advisor

Nigro, Nicholas J.

Third Advisor

Doerr, Thomas A.


This thesis describes a method and the related software programs for distinguishing the color of a face of a cube through the use of gray levels. The method involves the separation of the cube faces into groups of distinct colors, rather than relying on identifying the color of an individual cube face based on a comparison with a known constant. An adjustable exposure time scale is used to provide values that can be sorted and then grouped. The robotic system described herein was developed as a low-cost system of primary interest to secondary school and to undergraduate educational programs. The menu driven program is an extension of an existing computer program for the solution of the Instant Insanity Puzzle. Applesoft BASIC and 6502 Machine Language programs were developed for the Apple //e microcomputer to control the Microneye digital electronic camera and to initialize the Microbot 5-axis robot manipulator.



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