Date of Award

Spring 1990

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Civil and Environmental Engineering


Mat foundations are useful in many applications where a large foundation is required and columns are spaced relatively close together. This paper discusses a number of these applications and examines various analysis methods, including the finite element method. One particularly well suited application for mat slabs and the finite element method of analysis is the rack supported building. This building consists of a series of storage racks which support the exterior loads from the roof and walls as well as the storage rack load. The rack supported building contains numerous closely spaced columns. The computer program MATS (11) was used to examine the effects of various parameters on the design of the mat slab for rack supported buildings. Design aids have been previously prepared by others to determine the required thickness for interior storage racks with no lateral loads. This paper presents the analysis and design graphs for determining the preliminary slab thickness required for typical rack supported building applications.



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