Date of Award

Spring 1983

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Wu, S. H.

Second Advisor

Moeller, Arthur


A method of encrypting messages is presented in this paper which has several advantages over conventional cryptographic methods. The specific system which will be presented in this paper is referred to as "public key cryptography". The encoding method presented has the interesting property that revealing the "encryption key" does not reveal the corresponding "decryption key". Thus, a secure method of transporting the key to an intended party is not necessary. The transformed message can also be transmitted over an insecure medium since knowing the encryption method does not enable one to decrypt the message. A third interesting property, which is very useful, is that a message can be "signed" and this signature cannot be forged by any other party due to the nature of the method. The method of encoding and decoding the messages uses a key mechanism which is based on a "trap-door" or "hash" function. This is a function which is easy to compute and easy to utilize; however, knowing the results of the mechanism does not readily reveal the function or the method by which the function works.



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