Date of Award

Fall 1972

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

First Advisor

Richardson, Bobby L.


The refinement and expansion of technology in computer control and data processing for radiological applications in recent years has been staggering. Unfortunately, large outlay for dedicated equipments make it wasteful for most institutions covering diverse fields to maintain a nuclear analyzer commensurate to state-of-the-art technology. If an institution has one or several computers at its disposal the possibility for their use as an on-line control for laboratory equipment should be explored. To this end, it ls the primary purpose of this paper to demonstrate. the assembly of a multi-parameter nuclear analyzing system from components presently in the laboratory. A secondary purpose is to furnish a tool for gamma spectroscopy experiments that is much quicker than single channel analysis and does not require detailed knowledge of the software for its operation. The analyzing system is built around an 8K memory digital computer that controls data collection, reduction, and output. A scintillation crystal with its associated power supply and preamplifier in conjunction with peripheral monitoring equipment and a linear amplifier is used as the detection system. Immediate indication of analyzing system operation is accomplished by means of an oscilloscope and a ratemeter. An X-Y plotter, decimal table, and paper tape are available for hard copy and more detailed analysis. Included in this paper are samples of soft copy and hard copy output, interface details, hardware block diagrams, programming flowcharts, and the analyzer software package.



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