Date of Award

Summer 1988

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Biomedical Engineering

First Advisor

Feng, Xin

Second Advisor

Harris, Gerald F.

Third Advisor

Niederjohn, Russell


There has been a tremendous, growing concern about the effects of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) on our society and human health. This thesis is concerned with performing the AIDS analysis by using the Dynamic Data System Identification (DDSI) method. For this research, U. S. nationwide AIDS data was collected for AIDS modeling purposes. The DDSI method was implemented to build the dynamic stochastic AIDS model. The established model presented both A deterministic and stochastic approaches to the AIDS dynamic features. Predictions were made over a period during which actual data. was available. The results demonstrate that the DDSI method is effective in the AIDS analysis, and can be extended to other biomedical analysis applications. The last consideration for this thesis was the potential for an intelligent modeling software. The characteristics of the software package are given and structured to the format of a potential program.



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