Date of Award

Summer 1984

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

First Advisor

Murphy, William G.

Second Advisor

Faherty, Keith F.

Third Advisor

Wenzel, Thomas H.


The primary focus of the research and related work leading to this thesis was toward the development of a flexible, well-documented computer program for slope stability analysis that would be compatible with the Marquette University computer system, and would be consistent with the needs of the Civil Engineering Department. In the process of conducting the research necessary for development of the computer program, various publications relating to slope stability were studied. Most of these publications pertained to the slope stability problem in general; however, several publications were found that deal with the application of computers to slope stability analysis. It was revealed that many approaches have been taken for solving the slope stability problem. An examination of the slope stability problem and the various methods of slope stability analysis, with particular emphasis on applicability to computer solution, constitutes a significant portion of the text. Throughout the literature, emphasis is placed on the importance of careful evaluation of shear strength parameters in conjunction with slope stability analysis. The error associated with the actual stability analysis is considered by most investigators to be relatively minor when compared to those associated with the determination of shear strength. On this basis, it was deemed necessary to include a rather detailed overview of the state of the art of the determination of shear strength in soils. A significant portion of the thesis is devoted to documenting the operation of the computer program. The intent was to make the program as "user friendly" as possible, such that program modification can be made easily by others in conjuction [sic] with future research.



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