Date of Award


Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Electrical Engineering

First Advisor

Demerdash, Nabeel A. O.

Second Advisor

Brown, Ronald H.

Third Advisor

Kerkman, Russell J.


Adjustable speed ac motor drives, in conjunction with the transmission line distributed parameter wave reflection effects from the often substantial length of electrical wiring connecting the locations of the motor drive and the motor, cause line-to-line voltage overshoots at the motor terminals. This can lead to insulation breakdown damage in the stator (armature) phase windings of the motor, which consequently leads to reducing a motor's life. Presently the widely accepted way to accurately determine the effect of the length of electrical wiring (transmission line wave reflection phenomenon) on the motor voltage is by actual test of a particular installation. No reasonably simple method of predicting these effects existed before this investigation. The goal of this research is to be able to reasonably and accurately predict the motor line-to-line voltage by calculation and simulation, using the simplest model that would yield reasonably accurate results. The electrical wiring connecting the motor drive and motor is a cable with the characteristics of a transmission line, which must be modeled as a distributed parameter wave-equation-governed device. Accordingly, analysis of the motor voltage must be based on techniques that include the effects of a distributed parameter transmission line. The two-wire transmission line model that is available in Pspice is used here for the analysis of this circuit. This was found to be a reasonably accurate simulation by comparison to actual laboratory test data...



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