Date of Award

Spring 1970

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

First Advisor

Kipp, Raymond J.

Second Advisor

Crandall, Clifford J.

Third Advisor

Zanoni, A. E.


In the past three years enzyme laundry products have become increasingly important in the detergent market. A number of articles have appeared in technical journals and magazines relating enzymes to detergent products. Studies of the cleaning properties, laundering techniques, and formulary compatibility of the enzymes are the major issues in these articles. One notable study has been done on enzyme biodegradability by biological waste treatment systems (39). To date, it does not appear that anything else has been published on the biodegradability of the enzyme presoaks or detergents. Since the formulations of the enzyme detergents are basically the equivalent of regular detergents except with enzyme addition, their biodegradability should be similar if not equal. However, the enzyme presoaks are a new concept in laundering and the exact chemical formulations are not known. It was the purpose of this study to determine the biodegradability of four major enzyme presoaks by activated sludge waste treatment. Also, the general effects of these presoaks on activated sludge were noted.



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