Date of Award
Spring 1987
Document Type
Thesis - Restricted
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Electrical and Computer Engineering
First Advisor
Battocletti, Joseph H.
Second Advisor
Jeutter, Dean C.
Third Advisor
Jodat, Donald J.
Non-invasive quantitative measurement of blood flow currently remains a problem in the field of vascular diagnostics. In the past several years, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been developed as a viable method of non-invasively measuring quantitative blood flow in some limited areas of the body. Although its usefulness and practicality have been demonstrated, there remains a need for refinement of NMR systems Ito increase their accuracy and ease of measurement. One area of particular interest is the application of NMR in two-dimensional blood flow scanning which allows individual arteries to be located and their flows measured. The design presented in this thesis is an improvement to existing implementations of "gradient control'' systems used for two- dimensional ranging in NMR blood flowmetry. Very little documentation has been published on past implementations. Therefore, it is the intentions of the author to focus on the design implementation of the gradient control system rather than the physical theory underlying the use of gradient fields for ranging in blood flowmetry.
Recommended Citation
Young, Brian J., "Computer Control of Gradient Field Coils for a Permanent Magnet NMR Limb Blood Flowmeter" (1987). Master's Theses (1922-2009) Access restricted to Marquette Campus. 4394.