Date of Award

Spring 2006

Document Type

Thesis - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

First Advisor

Borg, John

Second Advisor

Cariapa, Vikram

Third Advisor

Goldsborough, Scott S.


This thesis describes the design, construction, and operation of a Single Stage Light Gas Gun (SSLGG) at Marquette University (MU). This SSLGG is capable of launching 0.031 lbm nylon projectiles, 1 inch in diameter, to a velocity of 607-896 fts-1 using compressed air with a breech pressure ranging from 350-740 psi. A system of laser and photo diodes are used to measure the projectile velocity. Results of this velocity measurement system have been verified with a high speed digital camera (70000 frames per second). The results of a numerical procedure are also used to accurately predict the projectile velocity. The performance of the Marquette SSLGG has been compared to the University of Cambridge's Cavendish Laboratory, PCS Division SSLGG. Within a pressure range of 350-740 psi, the performance characteristic of the SSLGG at MU is similar to that of the SSLGG at the University of Cambridge.



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